8. Settings


#8. Settings

  1. Users
  2. Authorization
  3. Issue & Task
  4. Arrangement
  5. Coordination

#8.1 Users

Inbisco Vault obtains all Inbisco Blue applications with authentication. You can edit roles and users in this application.

#8.1.1. Users and roles (vault)

Here you create new users and you can create new backhand roles within InbiscoBlue.

# Creating roles
  1. Click on ‘’Users and Roles’’ in the ‘’settings of IRIS’’.

  2. You will now go to the ‘’InbiscoBlue Vault’’

  3. Click on ‘’Roles’’ to create a new vault role (eg admin).

  4. Click on ‘’Create Role’’.

  5. Enter the name of the role.

  6. After entering the name, you can choose to give the authorization role for various parts of InbiscoBlue.

  7. Click on ‘Save’ to save it.

# Create a user
  1. Click on ‘’Users and Roles’’ in the settings of IRIS.

  2. You will now go to the InbiscoBlue Vault.

  3. Click on ‘’Users’’ on the left side of the screen.

  4. On the right side of the screen, click on ‘’Create User’’ to create a new user.

  5. Click on the ‘’Send user mail’’ box to send an email to the new user. This allows the user to create his own password.

  6. On the right you can assign a vault role (eg admin) to the new user.

  7. Click on ‘‘ Create ’’ to create it.

#8.2. Authorization

You can authorize a role for a certain action by checking the checkbox in the corresponding cell in the authorization menu. If you want to remove someone’s authorization, you can click on the check mark in the corresponding cell.

#8.2.1 Authorizing people (general)

  1. Click on ‘’Authorization’’.

  2. Check boxes to authorize certain roles for the indicated function.

#8.2.2 Authorize people (Per issue type)

  1. Click on ‘’Authorization’’.

  2. Click on the tab with a plus sign on it next to ‘’General’’.

  3. Select an issue type.

  4. An extra tab has now been created.

  5. Check the boxes to authorize certain roles for a specific function within a selected issue type.

#8.2.3 Delete tab

  1. Hold your mouse on a tab.

  2. Click on the trash can to remove the tab.

#8.3 Issue & Task

Under the heading Issue & Task you can set up two different things. You can determine which fields appear in your various issue- and task types and you can create task templates and determine under which condition certain tasks are automatically created.

#8.3.1 Issue fields

# Add custom field
  1. Go to issue fields in settings.

  2. Click on the ‘’Custom issue fields’’ tab.

  3. Click on ‘’Add field’’ at the top right of the screen to create a new custom field.

  4. You can give the field a name under the heading ‘’Label’’.

  5. Under the heading ‘’Type’’ you choose what kind of question you would want in your issue (for example; a question with a dropdown menu).

  6. Under the heading ‘’Issue types’’ you choose in which issue type the field should appear.

  7. Under the header’’Issue type specifications’’ you can further specify when the field will be made available.

  8. Click on the ‘’Add’’ button next to ‘’field information’’ to add information to an issue field.

# Manage custom issue fields type ‘’Object’’
  1. Go to ‘’issue fields’’ in settings.

  2. Click on the ‘’Custom issue fields’’ tab.

  3. Click at the end of a line on the round button with 3 vertical dots.

  4. Click on ‘’Custom field objects’’ to enter the dropdown menu to a issue type.

  5. Click on ‘’Edit’’ to adjust the previously created field as desired.

  6. Click on ‘’Delete’’ to delete the custom field.

# Manage custom issue field type "Object tree"

Info: An object tree is a schematic tree structure in which objects can be divided in categories and subcategories. This way the coherence within and between object families becomes clear.

  1. Click on ‘’Custom Issue Field’’.

  2. Click on the end of the line of the round button with the three vertical dots.

  3. Click on ‘’Field tree items’’.

  4. Click on ‘’Add Field Tree Item’’ to create head objects.

  5. Then, click on the ‘’plus sign’’ at the right side of the line, to which you can link sub-objects. You can repeat this action for secondary lines as well.

  6. Click on the ‘’overlapping squares’’ to copy a line.

  7. Click on the ‘’notepad’’ to edit a line.

  8. Click on ‘’previous’’ to go back to the overview of custom fields.

  9. Click on ‘’edit’’ to edit a previously made field.

  10. Click on ‘’delete’’ to delete a custom field.

# Manage static issue fields
  1. Go to ‘’issue fields’’ in settings.

  2. Click on the ‘’Static issue fields’’ tab

  3. Click on the button with a pencil on the right, to provide the static issue fields with extra information.

# Field positions

Under the header ‘’Field positions’’ you can determine for which issue types and at what moment a field becomes available in an issue.

  1. Go to ‘’issue fields’’ in settings.

  2. Go to the ‘’Field positions’’ tab.

  3. Click on the tab of the field that you want to configure.

  4. Indicate with check marks when / or if an issue type shows a field.

  5. By checking the box ‘’mandatory’’, you can also make a field mandatory when creating an issue.

#8.3.2 Task fields

  1. Under the header ‘’task fields’’ you can indicate which fields will be shown when creating a task.These are predefined.

  2. Indicate by means of check marks which fields should appear when creating a task.

#8.3.3 Task templates

Under the heading task templates you can create and manage predefined task packages.

# Create a task template
  1. Go to ‘’Task templates’’ in Settings.

  2. At the top right of the screen, click on ‘’Add task template’’.

  3. Enter the desired name and description for the task template.

  4. Click on ‘’Save’’.

# Filling the task template with tasks
  1. Click on the created template.

  2. Click on ‘’Add template task’’.

  3. Create the task as mentioned in the previous point and click on ‘’Save’’.

#8.3.4 Issue rules

Under the header Issue rules you can create a condition that an issue has to meet in order to be given the option to use a template. For example, a number of tasks that always need to be performed during the start of an audit. In this case, you create a rule stating that the issue must be an audit to be able to add a specific task template to the issue.

# Add issue rule
  1. Click on ‘’Add issue rule’’.

  2. Give your rule a name / description.

  3. Select the condition for this rule under ‘’Conditions’’.

  4. Under the ‘’Task Templates’’ header in ‘’Settings’’, you can now add the created task template.

  5. Click on ‘’Save’’.

# Edit / remove issue rule
  1. Click on the ‘’notepad’’ to edit a rule.

  2. Click on the ‘’trashcan’’ to delete a rule.

#8.4 Arrangement

#8.4.1 Companies

Companies can only be created within the system by Inbisco. Therefore, if you want to add a new company to the system, you have to contact your account manager.

#8.4.2 Issue types and specifications

Under the heading ‘’Issue types and specifications’’ you can create and manage your own issue types.

# Create an issue type
  1. Click on ‘’Create issue type’’ on the right.

  2. Give the new Issue type a name / description under the header ‘’description’’.

  3. Add a color to the type by clicking on the box under ‘’color’’. (optional)

  4. Under the header ‘’route’’ you can choose which flow / routing the issue will follow.

  5. By checking the two boxes ‘’default’’ and ‘’show cause/consequence for issue’’, you can make the issue standard and turn the cause / effect field on or off.

  6. Click on ‘’Save’’.

# Change order of notification types

The order and set up of your dashboard is determined by the order of issue types in this overview. You can determine this order by dragging the different lines.

# Issue type specifications
  1. Click on the button with 3 vertical dots behind a specific issue type.

  2. Click on ‘’Add specification’’.

  3. Give the specification a name / description.

  4. Click on ‘’Save’’.

# Edit Issue type
  1. Click on the button with 3 vertical dots behind a specific issue type.

  2. Click on ‘’Edit’’.

  3. Click on ‘’Save’’.

# Edit specification Issue type
  1. Click on the arrow on the left next to the name of the chosen issue type, to view the specifications of that issue type.

  2. Click on the button with the 3 vertical dots behind the chosen specification.

  3. Click on ‘’Edit’’.

  4. Click on ‘’Save’’.

If you want a link that points to important websites in your header (at the top right next to your username), you can learn how to create a link here.

  1. Go to ‘’custom links’’ in ‘’settings’’.

  2. Click on ‘’Add custom link’’.

  3. Give your Custom link a name.

  4. Copy your desired link and paste it under the Url heading.

  5. Click on ‘’Save’’.

#8.4.4 Forms

Under the heading Forms you can create forms that can be linked to tasks in issues.

# Create a new form
  1. Gp tp ‘’Forms’’ in ‘’settings’’.

  2. Click on ‘’New form’’.

  3. Give the form a name and describe what it should be used for.

  4. Enter additional information.

  5. At the bottom, choose the type of issue to which the form is linked.

  6. Click on ‘’Build Form’’ to save your form.

# Fill in the form

This chapter describes how the form can be designed.

  1. Click on ‘’new form’’ at the top right of the screen to start a new form. If you want to edit an existing form, you have to click ‘’new form’’ as well.

  2. Enter the header of the form and provide any additional explanation.

  3. When the form is created, you have to go to your ‘’Forms’’ overview.

  4. Click on a form.

  5. You are now in ‘’Form builder’’.

  6. On the right side of the screen you can now choose what questions you want to put in the form. You can choose from 5 different types of questions:

#Open question
  1. Click on the ‘’A’’ icon.

  2. Create the question.

  3. At the bottom of the question box you can choose to make the question mandatory, whether it can have an answer with multiple lines and whether you want to give a description.

#Number question
  1. Click on the ‘’Agenda icon’’.

  2. Create the question.

  3. At the bottom of the question box you can choose to make the question mandatory, whether the answer should be answered with a specific decimal and whether you want to give it a description.

#Multiple choice question
  1. Click on the ‘’Multiple choice’’ icon.

  2. Create the question.

  3. If you want to create one-time multiple choice answers; click on ‘’Add option’’ and prepare the answer.

  4. If you want to create reusable multiple choice answers; click on ‘’Create option set’’.

4.1 Give the option set a name.

4.2 Indicate with the sliders whether the answers can be reused by clicking on ‘’reusable’’.

4.3 If you have created a point question, you can choose to make it visible to the person completing the form by clicking on ‘’show points’’.

4.4 Create options, as described for a one-time answer.

4.5 Click on ‘’Save’’.

At the bottom of the question box, you can choose to make the question mandatory, whether the question will be a point question, whether multiple answers can be correct and whether you want to give the question a description.

#Date & time question
  1. Click on the ‘’Agenda’’ icon.

  2. Ask the question.

  3. At the bottom of the question box you can choose to make the question mandatory, whether it concerns the date, time or both and whether you want to give a description.

#Pick list question
  1. Click on the ‘’Dropdown’’ icon.

  2. Create the question.

  3. Click on ‘’Or select option group’’ if you want to use an existing option group.

  4. Click on ‘’Create option group’’ if you want to create a new option group.

4.1 Give the selection list a name.

4.2 Click on ‘’Create’’.

4.3 After this, you can click on the plus sign on the right to add an option.

4.4 Click on ‘’Save’’.

  1. At the bottom of the question box you can choose to make the question mandatory, whether the question has multiple answers and whether you want to give a description.

#Add form section

Click on the ‘’Empty Page icon’’ to create a new header for a new section within the form.

# Save form

The form saves itself automatically.

# Approve form for use

At the top of the form you can approve the form for use under the ‘’Status’’ heading.

#8.4.5 Type linked issues

If you want to link your issues to create a composite file, you can set up what text you will see when you link to- and from an issues. This means that you distinguish between the main issue and the issues that you link to it.

# Create type
  1. Go to ‘’Type linked issues’’ in ‘’settings’’

  2. Click on ‘’Create type’’.

  3. Give a description of the type.

  4. Under the header ‘’Outward’’ you indicate the link from the main issue to the linked issues.(Example: If you have an audit issue, improvement proposals may result in issues. In that case, the link is improvement proposals.)

  5. Under the heading ‘’Inward’’ you specify the link from linked issues to the main issue.(Example: If you have issued an improvement proposal that resulted from an audit, the link is audit.)

  6. Click on ‘’Save’’.

#8.4.6 Document types

You can create document types under this heading. With Document types you can classify the documents added to a issue and therefore determine whether it is visible to customers.

  1. Go to ‘’Document types’’ in ‘’settings’’.

  2. Click on ‘’Create document type’’.

  3. Give the document type a name.

  4. Add a color.

  5. Check the box to decide if it will be visible to customers.

  6. Click on ‘’Save’’.

#8.4.7 Causes

Under this header you can create causes that can later be entered under ‘’causes and consequences’’ within issues. This is an important aspect as it makes it possible to do a root cause analysis.

# cause
  1. Go to ‘’causes’’ in settings.

  2. Click on ‘’Create cause’’.

  3. Give the cause a group name.

  4. Describe the cause.

  5. Click on ‘’Save’’.

# Overview tab

Under this tab you will find an overview of causes that are linked to an issue type.

# Settings tab

Indicate here whether it should be possible to click on multiple causes in an issue.

#8.4.8 Consequences

Under this header you can create consequences that can later be entered under ‘’causes and consequences’’ within issues. This is important for the possibility of making a root cause analysis.

# Create consequence
  1. Go to ‘’consequences’’ in settings.

  2. Click on ‘’Create consequence’’.

  3. Give the group a name.

  4. Describe the consequence.

  5. Click on ‘’Save’’.

# "Overview" tab

Under this tab you will find an overview of the consequences that are linked to a issue type

# "Settings" tab

Indicate here whether it should be possible to click on multiple consequences within an issue.

#8.4.9 Priorities

Under this heading you can set which priority types will be reflected in your issues.

# Add priority
  1. Click on ‘’Add priority’’.

  2. Describe the priority.

  3. Give the priority a color.

  4. Click on ‘’Save’’.

# Determine the order of priorities

By clicking on the four horizontal lines on the left of your priority, you can drag the priorities to your desired order.

#8.4.10 Recurrence Issues

Under this header you can monitor which issues are automatically placed and when.

  1. Go to ‘’Recurrence Issues’’ in settings.

  2. Click on the ‘’Notepad icon’’ to edit the timing of the automatic issues.

  3. Click on the ‘’Trash can icon’’ to remove automatic issues.

  4. Click on ‘’view issue recurrence issues’’ to see which issues in your overview are recurrence issues.

#8.4.11 Locations

Under this heading you can create and delete the locations that are important for issues.

# Create location
  1. Click on ‘’Create location’’.

  2. Describe the location.

  3. Click on’’ Save’’.

#8.4.12 Objects

Under this header you can create and place objects that are important for certain issues, such as a part of production on which you would like to report, create, monitor and delete.

# Create object
  1. Go to ‘’Objects’’ in ‘’Settings’’.

  2. Click on ‘’Create object’’.

  3. Give the object a code. This comes in handy when you would like to issue on the issue.

  4. Give the object a name / description.

  5. Tick ​​’’Main object’’ if it is a main object. (This allows you to filter the most important objects.)

  6. Click on ‘’Add object’’ if you want to filter on specific parts of the object.

  7. Here you can add sub objects to be able to better specify within a issue.

  8. Click on ‘’Select’’.

  9. Click on ‘’Save’’.

# Manage objects
  1. Click on the ‘’Notepad icon’’ to edit an object.

  2. Click on the ‘’Trash can icon’’ to delete an object.

#8.4.13 Service Level Agreement

Under this header you can add and adjust SLAs (Service Level Agreements). You can link these to different issue types when creating an SLA. Within an SLA you can draw up a rule for each company, client and issue type. This determines how much time and which days you get with the chosen priority.

# Create an SLA
  1. Go to ‘’Service Level Agreement’’

  2. Click on ‘’Add SLA’’.

  3. Describe the SLA.

  4. Select which variables the SLAs apply to.

  5. Click on ‘’Add line.’’

  6. Select the priority for which this rule applies.

  7. Enter the agreed response time and matching deadline and indicate the amount of working days for this priority.

  8. Click on ‘’Save’’.

#8.4.14 Processes

If you also use the Process Manager, you can import your business processes under this heading to be able to mention this when reporting.

If you do not have your processes listed in the PM, you can add process names yourself and then state your business processes in the event of a issue.

#8.4.15 Branding

Under this header you can adjust the style of IRIS, such as the colors used and uploading a company logo.

  1. Click on ‘’choose file’’.

  2. Search for the desired logo on your PC.

  3. Click on ‘’Open’’.

  4. Click on ‘’Save’’.

#8.4.16 Specific cost types

You can specify costs under this header. You can fill in these costs for the relevant specifications in issues. Consider, for example, "Personnel costs".

# Add specific costs type
  1. Go to Specific cost types in settings.

  2. Click Add specific cost type.

  3. Give the specific cost type a name.

  4. Click on Save.

# Manage specific costs type
  1. Click on the Notepad icon to adjust a Specific cost type.

  2. Click on the Trash can icon to remove a Specific cost type.

#8.5 Coordination

#8.5.1 Routing and statuses

Under this header you can create the different status flows that are linked to your issue types. In other words; here you describe the steps that the issue types go through.

# Create new routing
  1. Click on the ‘’Plus icon’’ next to the tabs of existing status flows.

  2. Give the route a name / description.

  3. Click on ‘’Save’’.

  4. Click on the ‘’Sign tab’’ to create a step in the new flow.

  5. Click on one of the empty boxes where the status flow will be placed.

  6. Give the new step in the flow a code. A flow usually runs from the first step (10) to the last step (100), but can be assigned according to your own preferences.

  7. Give the step a name / description.

  8. Give the step a possible color.

  9. Click on ‘’Save’’.

  10. Repeat this process for each step that you want to have in the status flow.

# Connecting steps
  1. Click on the ‘’Drawing tab’’.

  2. Click on one of the steps and hold down your mouse button.

  3. Drag the step from step to step while holding down your left mouse button.

  4. If an arrow runs through a balloon, you can click on ‘’Pointer’’ to bend the line to a better position.

4.1 Click on the relevant line.

4.2 The line turns red and two squares appear on the line.

4.3 Click on one of the squares and hold your mouse button down to adjust the position of the line.

# Save status flow

Click on ‘’Save status flow’’ to save your routing. You will not receive a notification for this, however, if you leave the page and the flow has not yet been saved, you will still have a chance to do so before you exit.

# Set automatic action status
  1. Click on the ‘’Pointer tab’’.

  2. Click on the status to which you want to link an action. A menu with three tabs appears.

  3. Click on the ‘’Actions tab’’ there.

  4. Check which action should be performed automatically when an issue reaches this status.

# Set required fields
  1. Click on the’’ Pointer tab’’.

  2. Click on the status where you want to make certain fields mandatory. A menu with three tabs appears.

  3. Click on the ‘’Required fields tab’’.

  4. Check which fields you want to have filled in when an issue reaches this status.

# Setting automatic triggers
  1. A trigger at an arrow ensures that the status changes automatically when certain requirements (triggers) are met.

  2. Click on the ‘’Pointer tab’’.

  3. Click on the arrow to which you want to link a trigger. A menu with four tabs appears.

  4. Click there on the ‘’Trigger tab’’.

  5. Tick ​​the condition under which a status will change automatically in the next step in the flow.

# Set route automatic actions
  1. Click on the ‘’Pointer tab’’.

  2. Click on the arrow to which you want to link an action. A menu with four tabs appears.

  3. Click there on the ‘’Action tab’’.

  4. Check which action should be performed automatically when the route becomes active.

# Authorization assignment status

Here you indicate which roles have permission to assign a status. The overall permission to change the status takes precedence over these roles.

  1. Click on the ‘’Pointer tab’’.

  2. Click on the arrow to which you want to link specific authorization. A menu with four tabs appears.

  3. Click on the ‘’Authorization tab’’.

  4. Check which roles have permission to assign this status.

# Set the next status condition

Here you can set which conditions must be met before the next status can be set. If the conditions are not met, the user will be notified.

  1. Click on the ‘’Pointer tab’’.

  2. Click on the arrow to which you want to link specific condition. A menu with four tabs appears.

  3. Click on the ‘’Precondition tab’’.

  4. Check ​​the precondition that the issue must meet in order to be allowed to go to the next status.

# Change notifications

Through this button you can set up the settings that address who and when a person receives notifications at the different steps in a flow.

  1. Click on the ‘’Change Notifications’’ button

  2. Check who should receive a message at which new status and on which platform this notification will arrive.

# Delete / adjust flow
  1. Click on the status or an arrow to select what you want to delete.

  2. Click on ‘’Delete selection’’.

#8.5.2 Notifications

Under this header you can set up to whom you want to send a notification for which action. The notifications can be sent in three ways:

  • App notification

  • IRIS notification

  • Mail

# Set notifications
  1. Click on ‘’Notifications’’

  2. Tick ​​to whom you want to send a notification with the actions defined on the left.

→ Please note: These notifications cannot be set for people specifically, but for overall roles such as; the action taker, customer, reporter, etc.

#8.5.3 Activity stream notifications

Under this header you can indicate who receives notifications of new issues in the activity stream. The activity stream is a widget on the IRIS dashboard where all activities in IRIS can be monitored. The notifications can be sent in two ways:

  • IRIS notification (dashboard)

  • Mail

# Set notifications activity flow
  1. Click on ‘’Activity stream notifications’’.

  2. Tick ​​to whom you want to send a notification to the actions defined on the left, which are displayed in the activity stream.

#8.5.4 PDF export configuration

Under this heading you can upload PDF files to IRIS.

# Upload a PDF file
  1. Click on ‘’Browse’’.

  2. Select a PDF file from your PC.

  3. Click on ‘’Upload’’.

#8.5.5 Data export

Under this heading you have the option to export the entire issue database to Excel. You can do this by clicking on the ‘’Download Excel file’’ button.

#8.5.6 Guarding

Under this header you can set how many hours before a deadline an issue will change to the critical phase. You can do this by entering the number of hours under ‘’issue criticism x hours before deadline’’. A issue in the critical phase changes from a green color to orange to create an clearer overview on your dashboard. You can choose to automatically send a reminder if an issue goes to the critical phase.

After setting this up, click on ‘’Save’’.

#8.5.7 Reports

You can create and monitor your reports under this header and you can select these reports later for reports in IRIS.

# Create a new report
  1. Click on ‘’New Report’’.

  2. Give your new report a name.

  3. Decide what kind of report you want to make, you can do this under the heading ‘’Chart type’’.

  4. There are five different types of graphs that you can choose from.

  • Gauge

  • Line

  • Bar

  • Steps

  • Pie

# Gauge
  1. Under the ‘’Value’’ heading, select which variables you want to use for your report. You can opt for:

  • The number of

  • The sum of

  • The average

  1. After you have chosen the type of report, you have to choose an object.

  2. Now, a new heading ‘’Grouped by’’ appears. Here you choose what variable will be grouped (eg Cause).

  3. If you want to add extra filters, check the box next to ‘’Filters’’.

  4. Enter the variables.

  5. Click on ‘’Add filter’’ to add additional filters.

  6. Under the heading ‘’Additional options’’ you can choose a color pattern and set the threshold values ​​of your graph.

  7. Click on ‘’Test report’’ to get an example of the newly created report.

  8. If you are satisfied, click on ‘’Save’’.

# Bar
  1. Under the ‘’Value’’ heading, select which variables you want to use for your report. You can opt for:

  • The number of

  • The sum of

  • The average

  1. After you have chosen the type of report, you have to choose an object.

  2. Now, a new heading ‘’Grouped by’’ appears. Here you choose what variable will be grouped (eg Cause).

  3. Check the box ‘’X-axis’’ to determine the x-axis of your graph. An additional line will appear where you can enter your desired variables.

  4. If you want to add extra filters, check the box next to ‘’Filters’’.

  5. Enter the variables.

  6. Click on ‘’Add filter ‘’to add additional filters.

  7. Under the ‘’Additional options’’ heading you can make the graph cumulative or stacked by checking this option and fill in your normline.

  8. Click on ‘’Test report’’ to get an example of the newly created report.

  9. If you are satisfied, click on ‘’Save’’.

# Steps
  1. Under the ‘’Value’’ heading, select which variables you want to use for your report. You can opt for:

  • The number of

  • The sum of

  • The average

  1. After you have chosen the type of report, you can choose an object.

  2. Now, a new heading ‘’Grouped by’’ appears. Here you choose what variable will be grouped (eg Cause).

  3. Check the box ‘’X-axis’’ to determine the x-axis of your graph. An additional line will appear where you can enter your desired variables.

  4. If you want to add extra filters, check the box next to ‘’Filters.’’

  5. Enter the variables.

  6. Click on ‘’Add filter’’ to add additional filters.

  7. Under the ‘’Additional options’’ heading you can make the graph cumulative by checking this option and fill in your normline.

  8. Click on ‘’Test report’’ to get an example of the newly created report.

  9. If you are satisfied, click on ‘’Save’’.

# Pie
  1. Under the ‘’Value’’ heading, select which variables you want to use for your report. You can opt for:

  • The number of

  • The sum of

  • The average

  1. After you have chosen the type of report, you can choose an object.

  2. Now, a new heading ‘’Grouped by ‘’appears. Here you choose what variable will be grouped (eg Cause).

  3. If you want to add extra filters, check the box next to ‘’Filters.’’

  4. Enter the variables.

  5. Click on ‘’Test report’’ to get an example of the newly created report.

  6. If you are satisfied, click on ‘’Save’’.

# New safety report
  1. Click on ‘’New safety report’’.

  2. Under ‘’Safety reports types’’ determine what type of report you want to make.

  3. Give your report a name.

  4. Select the company you are reporting on.

  5. Enter your multiply parameter.

  6. Select the relevant year or choose the following year.

  7. Click on ‘’Save’’.

#8.5.8 Coordinator notification

Under the header coordinator you can designate and manage coordinators. Coordinators are people who can be appointed to monitor different types of reports. As an umbrella function, they can make people the owner of issues. This way, the reporter does not have to indicate this in advance and you can keep the issues accessible.

# Create notification coordinator
  1. Click on’’ Add Rule Coordinator Rule’’.

  2. Give the new coordinator a description.

  3. Under the ‘’company’’ heading, select which company someone will be the coordinator for.

  4. Choose which issue types, objects and customers the chosen person will be a coordinator for. (These choices are by default on all issues. If you remove the check mark, a line will appear in which you can make a selection.)

  5. Add the relevant person under the ‘’Coordinator notification’’ header.

  6. Once you have made this choice, a new rule will appear where you also set up your default notification coordinator. This is a coordinator that functions over other coordinators.

  7. Click on ‘’Save’’.

#8.6.9 Other settings

Under the heading other settings you can determine a standard hourly rate, you do this by entering the correct number under the heading ‘’Default hour rate’’.

In addition, you can determine what the standard issue types are when an issue is created from RAS.