3. Issue overview


#3. Issue overview


#3.1.1 Custom view

You can set a view in your issue overview to filter it on preset filters.

  1. Go to your issue overview by clicking on '' Issues '' in your menu.

  2. Click on the '' funnel '' icon on the right side of the overview to add filters to your view, with which you want to filter your view more often.

  3. Click on '' Search '' .

  4. Press the '' pushpin '' button with ''Save custom view '' at the top right of your overview, if you want to save this filter combination.

  5. Give your new view a name.

  6. Now indicate whether you want to set this view by default or as a choice option.

  7. Click on '' Save '' to make your view definitive. Your view now appears at the top of your issue overview.

You can now find your views at the top left of your issue overview and thus filter your issues quickly and easily by clicking on your chosen view.

#3.1.2 Setting the standard view

You can choose an view that is loaded as standard on your dashboard and issue overview.

  1. The created views are at the top of the issue overview. Click on the view that you want to standardize.

  2. Now keep your cursor on the chosen view.

  3. Three icons now appear above the name of the view.

    1.  A star.
    2.  An arrow.
    3.  A trash can.
  1. Click on the ''Star''.

  2. The view is now your standard view.

#3.1.3 Sharing views

You can share your views with other people. Other people can then use the view that you have made.

→ Note: To be able to share views, an account must have rights to do this. You can adjust these rights within the roles in the vault.

  1. The created views are at the top of the issue overview. Click on the view that you want to share.

  2. Now keep your cursor on the chosen view.

  3. Three icons now appear above the name of the view.

    1.  A star.

    2.  An arrow.

    3.  A trash can.
  1. Click on the '' Arrow ''.

  2. A window appears, showing who the view is shared with.

  3. Click on '' Add recipients '' .

  4. Click on '' Select recipients '' .

  5. Click on the people one by one. If someone is chosen, he will appear in a blue bar in the search line.

  6. Click on '' Share '' .

  7. Click on '' Close ''.

#3.1.3 Undo sharing view

If the view is no longer relevant for one or more people, you can reverse the sharing or delete the view.

  1. The created views are at the top of the issue overview. Click on the view of which you want to reverse the parts.

  2. Now keep your cursor on the chosen view.

  3. Three icons now appear above the name of the view.

    1.  A star.

    2.  An arrow.

    3.  A trash can.
  1. Click on the ''Arrow '' .

  2. A window appears, showing who the view is shared with.

  3. Click on the '' Trash can '' icon after the person's name, where you want to reverse the sharing.

  4. Click on ''Yes'' in the new window .

#3.1.5 Delete view

  1. The created views are at the top of the issue overview. Click on the view of which you want to reverse the parts.

  2. Now keep your cursor on the chosen view.

  3. Three icons now appear above the name of the view.

    1.  A star.

    2.  An arrow.

    3.  A trash can.
  1. Click on the '’Trash can '' .

  2. Click on '' Ok '' .

# Restore view

The deleted view has now been moved to your archive. This is a database that stores deleted views. Deleted views can always be restored from the archive. You can also delete them permanently, then you cannot get them back.

  1. Click on the ''Box'' icon at the top right of your overview. (this only appears when a view has been deleted.)

  2. A list of Archived views now appears under the normal views.

  3. Now keep your cursor on the chosen view.

  4. Instead of the usual three icons, a '' Rollback '' icon will appear instead of a star . The two circling arrows.

  5. Click on the '' Rollback '' icon.

  6. The view has now been restored.

# Permanently delete views
  1. Click on the '' Box '' icon at the top right of your overview. (this only appears when an view has been deleted.)

  2. A list of Archived views now appears under the normal views.

  3. Now keep your cursor on the chosen view.

  4. Three icons now appear above the name of the view.

    1.  An arrow.

    2.  The two circling arrows.

    3.  A trash can.
  1. Click on the '' Trash '' .

  2. The view has now been permanently deleted.

#3.2 Filters

To make your issues clearer and more specific, you can filter them. You can do this in several ways:

#3.2.1 Alphabetical ordering

❖ By clicking once on your column, it will be sorted in alphabetical ascending order.

❖ By clicking twice on your column, it will be sorted in alphabetical descending order.

#3.2.2 Filtering results

You can add filters in the bar above your issue overview. These filters will automatically update your list of issues.

The first two filters are:

  1. Search : here you can search for a issue with certain keywords and search terms.

  2. From… To… .: This allows you to filter your issues by entering the registration data of a issue.

There are 7 other filters that you can find under the '' Filters'' button (the little funnel) at the top right of your issue overview. If you click on the button you get a pop-up menu with the following filters:

  1. Issue types

  2. Specification issue type

  3. Issue statuses

  4. Customers

  5. Issue owners

  6. Action takers

  7. Reporters

In addition, you can also indicate whether you only want to see your own issues and whether you also want to see issues that have already been closed.

The filters that you click will be placed after '' Active filters '' . You can remove this again by clicking on the cross behind the filter.

→ Note: Extra filters can be added to your filters overview ( Add custom field)

#3.2.3 Enable or disable columns

You can also enable or disable columns in your issue overview to make your issue view more transparent.

  1. Go to '' issues '' .

  2. Click on the rightmost button in the bar, with the '' Eye '' icon.

  3. A drop-down menu appears

  4. In the dropdown menu you can now see the active columns, which are checked. The columns that are not checked are not active.

  5. Check the columns that you want to have active, and set the ones that you want to disable to inactive.

#3.2.3 Activating a saved view.

You can save filters in a view. By enabling a view, you can quickly filter your issues by preset filters. The active filters are highlighted and by clicking on a view it becomes active or inactive. By enabling a saved view, all columns of your saved filters become active. You can find out how to create a saved view in point 3.1 Views.

#3.2.3 Data export

You can also export your list of issues to an XLSX file. You do this by pressing the '' Data export '' button on the right in your bar.