4. Issue file


#4. Issue file

#4.1 Share issue

Once you have created a issue you can also share this issue with other IRIS users within your company. This way you can inform multiple people about a issue.

  1. Go to the relevant issue and open it.

  2. Press the "Share" button at the top right.

  3. Now click on the person with whom you want to share the issue and press "Share" .

→ Note: You can share your issue with one person at a time. If you want to share your issue with more than one person, you must perform the action multiple times.

#4. 2 Edit

Once you have made your issue, you can still edit it afterwards.

  1. Go to the relevant issue.

  2. Open the issue

  3. Press the "Edit" button

  4. You can now edit all fields.

→ Note: Press save when you have finished editing, this way you will not lose your changes.

#4. 3 Printing

You can also print issues.

  1. Go to the relevant issue and open it.

  2. Press '' Print '' you will now see the print preview.

  3. Indicate here which parts of the issue you want to print (for example; tasks, documents, messages, analyzes, etc.)

  4. Press '' Open print preview '' and print the message.

#4. 4 Add documents

When a issue has been created, anyone who can view this issue can add relevant documents to it.

  1. Open the relevant issue.

  2. Press the button with the '' Paperclip icon '' under the '' Documents ''

  3. Select the files you want to upload and press '' Open ' '.

  4. When the file has been added, it will be shown in the overview under documents and anyone can view it, see when it has been uploaded and who the uploader of the file is.

→ Note: you can have your document view displayed in two ways; in the preview view and in the list view.

#4. 5 Add task

When you have made a issue, anyone who can open this issue can add a task to the issue.

  1. Click on the issue to which you want to add a task.

  2. At the bottom of the issue you will find the '' Tasks '' heading . Click here on the '' plus sign '' to add a task.

  3. The '' Add task '' window opens . Fill in the fields.

  4. Click under the '' Forms '' heading to link a form to the task if the actor must complete a form.

  5. Press the '' save '' button . The campaigner receives a notification of his / her new task.

  6. The new task will be placed under the heading '' Tasks '' in the issue .

#4 .6 Creating tasks from template

In addition to creating a task manually, you can also create a task from a template. This is possible if you have created a standard set of tasks in the '' Settings '' under '' Job templates '' .

→ How: In Chapter 9, point 3.3 you will find an explanation about how to create these standard tasks.

To add a task template:

  1. Click on the button with the '' Two rectangles '' icon.

  2. Click on one of the task templates to add the predefined tasks.

  3. Click on the button with '' Three dots '' and click on '' Edit '' to adjust a task afterwards.

  4. Give the task an owner (see point 4.3)

  5. Click on '' Save '' .

#4.7 Add message

Through the chat function you can chat with people about questions, comments or updates.

  1. Click on the message where you want to put a message.

  2. Go to the '' Messages '' heading .

  3. Type your message.

  4. To tag someone use @ '' name of person ''

  5. Click on '' Add ''

  6. Your message will appear in the message overview.

  7. The '' tagged '' person will receive an email stating that he / she is mentioned in a comment

→ Note: Everyone who opens the issue sees the messages.

#4.8 Adjust status

It is very important to adjust the status of the issue. This allows others, including the person who made the issue, to see the status of the issue.

Changing the status of an issue can be done in two ways, namely by opening and changing your issue or by adjusting it via a shortcut.

#Method 1:

  1. Open the relevant issue.

  2. Go to the '' Allocation '' heading

  3. Behind the '' Status '' heading there is a button with a '' Pen '' icon.

  4. Press the button and indicate the status of the message.

#Method 2:

  1. Go to your issue overview

  2. For each task there is a column with '' Status '' in the bar .

  3. Click on the status of the issue.

  4. Indicate in which phase the issue is.

#4.9 Analysis

When you open a issue you have the heading '' Analyses '' , in which the causes and consequences of the issue can be indicated. This analysis is not available with every issue and must first be switched on at '' Settings '' under '' issue types and specifications '' . You can find how to do this in Chapter 9 , point 4.2.2.

  1. Open the issue that you want to analyze. (see H3)

→ Note: Depending on the issue type, it depends on which Analysis setting is set for this.

  1. Click on the '' Analysis '' tab on the right .

  2. Then click on the '' Note '' icon next to the '' Causes and consequences '' header .

  3. A pop-up menu appears with different tabs per group of causes and effects.

  4. Check or uncheck to manage which causes and consequences should be linked to your issue.

  5. Click on '' Save '' . The linked causes and consequences will now be shown under '' Analyzes '' in your issue overview.

#4.10 Issue history

The issue history indicates the history of your issue; including when the issue was made, the possible changes, who made this change, etc.

  1. Open the relevant issue

  2. Go to the heading '' Alert History '' right in the message list

  3. You can also click on the '' Show entire history '' button here to get a complete overview.

#4.11 Linked issues

After a issue has been created, you will find the '' Linked issues '' button next to the analysis and issue history buttons in the overview on the right of your issue. By linking a issue, you can make connections between different issues.

  1. First press '' Linked issues ''

  2. Press the round button with the '' Link '' sign.

  3. You now get an overview of all issues that you can link to your issue.

  4. Click on an issue or search for an issue.

  5. Click on the issue that you want to link.

  6. The issue is now linked to your issue.

→ Please note: you can find how to create a new type of linked issue in settings in Chapter 9.4.4.