1. Dashboard


#1. Dashboard

The dashboard in IRIS is a self-organized overview that provides insight into the status of the various issue types. The layout is personal, which means that a user always sees the information relevant to him or her through the widgets.

#1.1 Widget: Issue types

The different issue types are shown below each other, where the number next to the title directly shows how many of the entered issue type have been processed in the system. The title and the indication of the number of issues per issue type can be clicked. When you click on this, all messages will be displayed in list form, regardless of their status.

A issue type is linked to a routing (9.5 .1 Routing and statuses ) , so you can see in what status the issue is in; Is the issue new or has the issue already been picked up? The numbers in the line per status provide insight into the number of issues per status (blue), the number of issues within the set deadline (green), the number of issues where the deadline is approaching (yellow) and the number of issues where the deadline has expired ( red).

All issue types can be defined by yourself ( 9.4.1 issue types and specifications), where you can also determine the order of messages displayed in the dashboard.

#1.1 Widget: Issue owners

Issue owners are responsible for the correct completion of the issue. To monitor how many open issues they have, use the "Issue Owners" widget. The different issue owners, the number of issues for which they are responsible (divided by status, indicated in color), the number of issues within the set deadline (green), the number of issues approaching the deadline, also known as critical issues ( yellow) and the number of issues where the deadline has passed (red) are shown there. The colors per issue owner are clickable. When a status is selected, the messages are displayed in a list view.

#1.3 Send reminder

To remind issue owners of their critical and overtime issues, the functionality "Send reminder" exists, the button is placed in the upper right corner of the widget.

  1. Send reminder.

  2. Click on "Send reminder".

  3. Select the status for which the reminder is intended.

  4. Select whether the reminder should depend on the "View".

  5. Select whether the reminder is intended for specific people.

  6. Select specific characters.

#1.4 Widget: Action takers

Employees are responsible for the correct completion of tasks that fall within an issue. The "Action takers" widget is used to monitor how many tasks they have. Here, similar to the "Issue Owners" widget, the tasks are divided per action taker into three different colors; green, yellow and red. The colors per action taker can be clicked on. When a status is selected, the issue, to which the tasks belong, are displayed in a list view.

#1.5 Widget: Tasks list

You want direct insight into the tasks of all action takers or only personal tasks? Use the "To do list" widget. The widget is determined by three buttons at the top left of the widget. Users can choose here to display all tasks, only personal tasks, only open tasks or open and closed tasks. They can also decide whether a broad overview is displayed or if the compact display is chosen.

#1.6 Widget: Unread messages

Communication regarding a issue is kept within the issue. Depending on the issues configuration ( 9.5.1 Notifications ) one receives notifications of the messages. These are collected in the "Unread messages" widget. If a message has been sent, the recipient will see this under "Unread messages". When the recipient clicks on the received message, it is immediately forwarded to the issue, where the message is placed, and he or she can respond immediately.

#1.7 Widget: Activity stream

The "Activity Stream" widget is a useful functionality to monitor what has happened within the system. Depending on the settings (9.5.3 Activity stream notifications ) , users can see here, among other things, whether a document has been added, a task has been assigned or a issue status has been adjusted.

#1.7.1 Enable or disable widgets and image distribution

The dashboard is a personal overview. To personalize this, the dashboard can be adjusted in the top right of the screen. Here a user compiles his own overview by placing the widgets on the dashboard to personal preference. You can also choose to enable or disable a widget here. The screen layout can also be changed here, so that the distribution over the image is structured in different parts.

Widgets can be placed in the same position on the dashboard, then a tab structure is created.


To segment the dashboard according to personal preference, there is a possibility to generate a view. (4. Issue overview).