5. Customers


#5. Customers

You can store all your customers in IRIS, so you can link them to issues and they can be kept informed in a simple way about the handling of their issue, when needed.

  1. To get to your customer overview, click on '' Customers '' in the menu .

  2. Here you will find an overview of your customers, a search function, an import function and a function to create new customers in IRIS.

#5.1 Overview

The customers are shown in list view. You can look up a customer by using the search function or by using the headers: Name, Code, Address, Email, Telephone, Mobile Phone and Default Payer. The headers '' Name '' and '' Code '' are interactive:

  1. Go to the '' Name '' or '' Code '' header

  2. If you click once, the list will increase in alphabetical order.

  3. When you click twice on the header, it will expire alphabetically.

  4. → Note: the list is normally already in an ascending alphabetical order.

#5.2 Add new customers to the system

You can add new customers to the system in two ways:

Method 1:

  1. Click on '' Import customers '' on the right in your overview.

Method 2:

  1. Click on '' New customer '' on the right in your overview .

#5.3 Import customers

If you click on '' Import customers '' , multiple users can be added at the same time by uploading an .xls or .xlsx file. To do this error-free, use can be made of the intended template, which can be downloaded on the page that opens after clicking on the '' Import customers '' .

  1. Click on '' Download example '' on the right-hand side of the screen to download the template.

The Excel file must be filled in, then uploaded to "Choose File".

  1. Click on '' Import customers ''.

  2. Download the pre-made template by pressing '' Download template '' on the right-hand side of your screen.

  3. Click on '' Browse ... '' .

  4. Enter the file.

  5. Upload the file ( .xls or .xlsx).

  6. You now get 3 options: add , all and delete.


Only add customers or edit the existing customers.


With this option, customers are added or existing customers are edited and the uploader receives a list of customers who are not in the import list.


With this option the customers that are in the import list are removed from IRIS. So make a list of customers that you would like to delete and that are already in your existing list. When you upload this file and click delete , these contacts will be deleted from your existing list.

#5.4 New customer

  1. Click on '' New customer '' .

  2. An input form appears where the checkbox is immediately displayed to possibly create a business customer.

  3. For both cases, complete the form.

  4. The code can be used as the customer's unique identifier. Think of a customer number, etc. This option is not mandatory.

→ Note: You choose a business customer when a new company has to be created. If you do not choose the Business customer option , you will create a person as a customer.

#5.5 Linking customers to companies, changing or removing them

When a customer is created in IRIS, basic information, contacts, billing addresses and customer users can be added.

  1. Click on '' Customers '' on the left side of the screen

  2. Click on the relevant customer.

  3. You now enter the overview of your customer. Here you can add information under the different headings by clicking on the '' plus '' sign.

#5.6 Info

In the first field info the basic information can be changed or supplemented.

  1. Click on the '' Edit '' button at the top right of your screen.

  2. Add missing / additional information.

  3. Click on '' Save '' to save your changes.

  4. Do you want to delete the customer? Then press '' Delete '' at the top right of your screen.

  5. You can also view the issues related to your customer by pressing the ''View customer issues'' button at the top right of the screen of your customer overview.

→ Note: If you have accidentally pressed delete instead of editing, there is no problem. There must always be an additional confirmation in the form of a pop-up.

#5.7 Contacts

The Contacts field may contain additional contacts for this Customer.

  1. Click on the '' Plus '' sign to add a new contact person.

  2. A pop-up appears with a form in which the data can be entered.

  3. Do you want to edit this data afterwards or do you want to delete the contact person? Then use '' Edit '' or '' Delete '' at the end of the line for the relevant contact.

#5.8 Invoice addresses

  1. Click on the '' Plus '' sign to add a new billing address.

  2. A pop-up appears with a form in which the data can be entered.

  3. Do you want to edit this data afterwards or do you want to delete the billing address? Then use '' Edit '' or '' Delete '' at the end of the line of the relevant billing address.

#5.9 Customer users

You can also give customers access to the IRIS environment. With roles and rights you can limit their insight into issues regarding your own company.

  1. Click on the '' Plus '' sign to add a new customer user.

  2. A pop-up appears with a list of IRIS users. The relevant person must be selected here.

→ Note: Before a user can be selected, he must first be created in Vault .