To gain insight into the use of the software, administrators can access and use the administrator environment to make the function: User statistics. Various functions fall under this function.
To specify which viewer is displayed, the display mode function can be used. This makes it possible to filter on the following time units: days, work and months. You can use this function by clicking on your preference.
The user can be displayed per period. From date X up to and including date x. When the "from" date is clicked, a calendar opens. The same applies to "up to and including" and here the relevant month can be selected up to the relevant closing date of the time unit.
In the figure formed by following earlier steps, there is then optically displayed how many sessions there have been per given period, in the previously set display mode.
The result of the figure is shown in a list. This can be sorted by the columns. Sort by name, number of sessions in the last 30 days and the date of the last activity. Sort on multiple columns by holding down SHIFT and then the other column.