3. Processes


#3. Processes

To follow up action 2.4 or draw a new process, you can use the Processes menu button.

This page contains the following topics:

  1. Create Process

  2. Drawing the process

  3. Adding documents to the process

  4. Adding collections to the process

  5. Adding a file to the process

  6. Add officials and the application of the RASCI Method ©

  7. Approval

  8. Lite Admin

#3.1 Create Process

When the processes menu button is clicked, the list of processes in the database opens. This only applies if processes have been created earlier. This list is of course empty if no processes have been signed yet. To create a process, the following steps must be followed:

  1. Click on '' Create process ''.

  2. Enter code

  3. Enter a process name

  4. Assign a process owner

  5. Select a process type

  6. Select document classification

  7. Click on '' Save ''.

  8. Select process

  9. Click on '' Add ''

Now that the name has been defined, it is time to create the revision and actually draw the process. This can be done by following the steps below:

  1. Click on '' Processes '' on the left side of the screen.

  2. Click on the process that you want to revise.

  3. Click on the '' + '' icon on the right side of the screen.

  4. Enter the version, an explanation, a goal, an area of ​​application, any notes, the repetition frequency to review, KPI standards, quality standards and ISO elements.

  5. Click on '' Save ''.

#3.2 Drawing the process

When the steps of 3.1 have been completed, the empty flow chart with the blocks vertically below each other opens. The right side of the screen is divided into two blocks. Roll above the block of officials and below the block of the RASCI.

Drawing the process can be done by using the right mouse button when the mouse moves over the blank areas of the flowchart to be created. The following steps can be taken to draw a process. Please note, the following activities within the steps are fictional:

  1. Right click.

  2. Click

  1. Add Start Add

  2. Activity Add

  3. Activity Add

  4. Decision Time Add

  5. End Add

  6. Text

  1. Give the chosen step a name / description.

  2. Click on '' Add ''.

The activities within the process can be connected by means of arrows.

  1. Hold your mouse on the activity to be connected.

  2. Red contact points now appear.

  3. Click on a contact point and hold down your mouse.

  4. From this contact point, drag the arrow to the relevant block.

  5. When the arrow hits the activity, a contact point is created here too.

  6. When these are connected, the arrow is drawn.

#3.2.1 Snapping

The alignment while drawing the processes is simplified by the snapping lines that are shown while moving the input, output, or activity element. In this way, every process can be perfectly aligned. The guidelines can also be recognized when drawing a business model.

#3.2.2 Format as optional

A decision moment, activity, document or document bundle can be formatted as optional. This function when drawing a process can be operated as follows:

  1. Double click on the relevant element.

  2. Check “Striped edge” .

  3. Save.

#3.3 Adding documents to the process

As input you can choose to place existing documents within the process. This also works with the right mouse button. Right-click where you want to place the document.

  1. Move your mouse over the process.

  2. Right click.

  3. Click on '' Add document ''.

  4. Type the name of the document or select a document from the list of existing documents within the system (Icoon)

  5. Click on '' Add ''.

#3.4 Adding collections to the process

If several documents need to be added to a process, you can choose to add a document bundle. Adding this is similar to that of a single document:

  1. Hold your mouse next to the process.

  2. Right click.

  3. Click on '' Add document collections ''.

  4. Type the name of the document collections or select a document bundle from the list of existing document bundle within the system (Icoon)

  5. Click on '' Add ''.

#3.5 Adding a file to the process

If a database must be specified, the option to add a file can be used within the Process Manager. Examples of this are CRM / ERP systems that must be referred to. Adding this is similar to that of a document (bundle):

  1. Hold your mouse next to the process.

  2. Right click.

  3. Click on '' Add file '

  4. Type the name of the file or select a file from the list of existing files within the system (Icoon)

  5. Click on ' 'Add' '

#3.6 Add officials and the application of the RASCI Method ©.

The right-hand part of the screen has been developed to determine which officials play a specific role in the process. At the top the officers can be added and at the bottom the roles can be assigned based on the RASCI Method ©.

#3.6.1 Add an officer

  1. Click on an official element.

  2. Type the name of the function or select a function from the list of existing functions within the system (Icoon)

  3. Click on '' Add ''.

#3.6.2 Assigning a role to an employee

  1. Place the mouse over the block in which the role will appear.

  2. Double click the box where you would want to ad a letter.

  3. Select the correct letter.

  4. Add a note or description if necessary.

  5. Click on '' Add ''.

Tip: When the mouse is placed on the block of a roll, the letters of the acronym can be typed via the keyboard. Combinations such as C / I can also be used as a shortcut.

#3.7 Approval

Before a process is ready to be published, making it visible to viewer users, it is necessary to approve the process. Administrators have the permission to do this themselves, but can also have this done by another administrator. The approve block is added to the right of the drawing screen. When this is clicked, the choice is made: approve yourself or assign someone to approve. In the latter case, the person in question receives a notification in his dashboard.

#3.8 Lite Admin

The Vault permission Lite Admin gives the user the right to access the drawing environment of the Process Manager and approve process revisions. His rights are limited to viewing the processes, documents, document bundles and approving them. The Lite Admin cannot publish or change. The permission that must be checked for this is: 'Allow to approve revision'.