4. Documents


#4. Documents

Documents can serve as input or output within a process. Within this chapter you will find how to upload and approve a document.

This page contains the following topics:

  1. Creating and uploading

  2. Approval

  3. Showing and restoring archived elements

  4. Document Classification

  5. Download window

#4.1 Creating and uploading

Administrators have the permission to create documents within the application and subsequently upload a document. They can do this by going through the following steps:

#4.1.1 Creating a document

  1. Click on Documents on the left side of the screen.

  2. Click on '' Create document ''.

  3. Enter the code, name, document owner, any explanation and tags.

  4. Click on '' Save ''.

The document has now been created within the application. The next step is to actually upload a document. This can be done by creating a revision. This can be done by following the steps within the detail screen of the document, in which the code, name, document owner, possible explanation and tags can be recognized.

#4.1.2 Upload file

  1. Click on the '' + '' icon.

  2. Enter the correct version number.

  3. Add any notes.

  4. Enter a possible repeat frequency.

  5. Make the choice between uploading a file or using a link.

  6. Upload the actual file by clicking on the appropriate area.

  7. Click on '' Save ''

It is also possible to drag a file into the designated area at the above last step.

#4.2 Approval

A block of concepts has been set up on the dashboard. A tab document has been created for this. When a document has been created, and a document has actually been put under it, it is time to check and approve or reject this document. This is possible in the detail screen of the document. You can do this easily and quickly by clicking on documents in the menu and selecting the document or by using the dashboard at the appropriate block. Once you reach the document details, the following steps can be followed:

  1. Click on the revision line '' Approve ''.

  2. Assign the approval to a user or immediately approve it yourself.

  3. Click on '' Approve / Ask for review ''.

#4.3 Showing and restoring archived elements

In order to no longer show processes, documents, files, job areas, phases, departments, employees and positions, you can choose to delete or archive them. The trash can in the line of the relevant element can be used for this, after which the choice is made whether the element should be deleted or archived.

#4.3.1 Show and restore

Once an element has been deleted, it can be reset using the 'show archived' button. This is placed to the search function in processes, documents, files, job areas, phases, departments, employees and positions. To restore the element from the archive, you can click on the circling arrows in the relevant line.

#4.4 Document Classification

#4.4.1 Create

In order to create different classification levels, an admin goes to the institutions. Under the heading "Layout" is placed "Document classifications". Behind this button there is a screen in which the classification can be created with the "Create document classification" button, placed at the top right.

  1. Click on '' Settings ''.

  2. Click on '' Document classifications ''.

  3. Click on '' Create document classification ''

  4. Enter '' Level ''.

  5. Give the classification a description.

  6. Checked if the classification is standard Yes / No.

  7. Click on '' Save ''.

#4.4.2 Linking to process

Where the code, process owner name and process type are entered when creating a process, the document classification can also be linked. This is the last option in the relevant meta data screen. The classification can be found on the print and download of the process to which the classification is linked.

  1. Click on '' Processes ''.

  2. Click on the '' Notepad '' icon on the right side of the process line.

  3. Enter the document classification.

  4. Click on '' Save ''.

#4.5 Download window

When a document is downloaded from the list or from the process, a new window opens with an overview of the already downloaded documents.