This page contains the following topics:
This shows the created processes. These still have to be published so that users can view the processes in the published environment.
Check the process to be published.
Click on the ''Publish '' button
Processes and documents can be assessed so that the 4 eyes principle can be applied. Once a process has been established, a person can be assigned to review a process or document.
Go to the process that you want to have assessed.
Click on '' Approve '' at the top right of the screen.
Find the person who should assess the process and enter it under the heading '' Reviewer ''.
Provide any information under the heading "Notes".
Click on '' Ask for review ''.
Click on '' Dashboard ''.
Click under the heading '’Review '' on the process that you want to assess.
Click on the '' Review '' button in the top right.
Click on '' Review ''.
The block unread messages can also be found in the dashboard. This contains all messages that are sent within the PM environment. These can relate to the approval or rejection of the business model, process (revisions), documents, document bundles and / or files. Users can also provide feedback on the process.
Double click on the message.
Depending on the selected tab within the draft block, concepts of processes, documents and files can be viewed. If a process, document or file has not yet been approved, the status remains on draft.